Officers of Cat Khanh Border Post disseminate information about sea and islands to students.

During the program, around 100 students of Ngo Le Tan High School were updated with information regarding the position and significance of the borderline, border markers, Vietnam’s sea; the importance of managing and protecting territorial integrity, security, and public order in sea border areas and on islands. They were also educated on how to identify Vietnam’s maritime zones and studied the traditions of the border guard force and the fundamental provisions of the Vietnam Border Guard Law.  

In addition, orators from Cat Khanh Border Post provided local students with general knowledge about the historic Dien Bien Phu Victory, including the historical context; the French colonialists' schemes; the Vietnamese Party's guidelines on launching the Dien Bien Phu Campaign; the development and outcomes of the campaign; feats-of-arms of the Vietnamese troops and people in the resistance war against the French colonialists; the significance and profound historical value of the Dien Bien Phu Victory; bravery, brainpower, and creativity of the Vietnamese troops and people, especially the sound political, military, and diplomatic guidelines of the Party and President Ho Chi Minh.

On the occasion, staff from the Medical Center of Phu Cat district disseminated basic knowledge about premarital health to students.

The program aimed to help students in the border area to enhance their awareness of and deepen their understanding about the traditions, functions, duties, and power of the border guard force and about the borderline and border markers, thus motivating them to protect territorial sovereignty and security in border areas.

The activity was also to help the students prepare themselves before embarking on a new journey. Useful knowledge will help them identify and address potential health risks.

Translated by Tran Hoai