Along with conducting training activities for militiamen, the Binh Lieu district Military Command has mobilized its troops to disseminate information related to Laws on Military Service, Militia and Self-Defense Forces, National Border, and Marital Acts among families in remote areas.

According to Colonel Tang Van Tinh, Political Commissar of the Binh Lieu provincial Military Command, because Binh Lieu is a border district with the majority of people being ethnic minorities, the command has promoted the role of militiamen who can speak ethnic languages and understand their practices and customs to enhance law dissemination and education.

Binh Lieu district's armed forces disseminate law to local people in Na Po hamlet, Hoanh Mo commune.

The law dissemination and education have been carried out in an effective manner by the Youth Union Organizations of the Quang Ninh provincial Military Command, Co To district and other units stationed on the island.

Major Nguyen Manh Cuong, assistant in charge of youth affairs of the Department of Political Affairs under the Quang Ninh provincial Military Command, shared that in response to the Youth Month, the unit has organized the “March in border areas” program to present bicycles and desks to disadvantaged students and distribute leaflets to popularize information about Vietnam Law of the Sea, Vietnam Border Guard Law, and Law on National Border among islanders. Meanwhile, the unit has worked with the Department of Culture and Communication of Co To district to draw up a dissemination outline regarding several laws on environmental protection, fisheries, road and waterway traffic and broadcast them on loudspeakers every day.

Colonel Mai Xuan Thang, Deputy Director of the Department of Political Affairs of the Quang Ninh provincial Military Command, said that the command has upheld the role of the on-spot armed forces of districts and cities in border areas and on islands while building up specific plans to conduct law dissemination and education among local people, especially those in remote and ethnic minority-inhabited areas, etc.

Also, the command has enhanced mass mobilization work, selection and calling up citizens to join the military, organization of exercises at all levels, presented gifts to local people and helped them eliminate hunger and reduce poverty. 

In order to raise the efficiency of dissemination work, military agencies at all levels have worked with Party Committees, authorities, socio-political organizations, and schools; promoted the role of reputable people, village patriarchs, and village heads; and enhanced popularization of law-related knowledge among local people in border areas and on islands. The law dissemination and education have been associated with movements and campaigns co-held by communes’ police force and military commands.

According to Senior Colonel Nguyen Dinh Nghiem, Deputy Political Commissar of the Quang Ninh provincial Military Command, the active participation of the province’s armed forces in law dissemination and education work has contributed to raising people’s awareness of law observance; ensuring political security, social order and safety in border areas and on islands; and creating favorable conditions for socio-economic development.

Translated by Quynh Oanh