General Giang addresses the conference.

The statement was made on November 27 by Defense Minister General Phan Van Giang during a conference to review task implementation in November.

Reportedly, in November, the Standing Committee of the Central Military Commission and defense leaders have directed the whole military to fulfill all assigned tasks, such as ensuring combat readiness, making recommendations to higher levels to address arising issues so as to firmly protect the national sovereignty, working with functional forces to maintain political security and social order across the country, while finalizing documents on the five-year implementation of resolutions and conclusions of the Politburo on military and defense strategies as scheduled.

Chief of the General Department of Political Affairs General Luong Cuong speaks at the event.

In addition, troops in the whole military also actively joined the natural disaster prevention and control mission in the Central provinces. Meanwhile, the international integration and defense external mission, Party and political work, and technical services and logistics supplies were also conducted effectively, meeting all task requirements.

Addressing the conference, General Giang hailed the whole military’s task performance. Pointing out task requirements in this December, he requested all-level leaders to continue to strictly ensure combat readiness, grasp situations to be ready in any circumstances, implement the 13th National Party Congress’s Resolution on Fatherland protection strategy in the current context, and make preparation for the whole military politico-military conference 2023, among others.

General Giang chairs the conference.

Besides, troops in the whole military should conduct patrols to manage illegal border crossings, and prevent illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing, while taking part in search and rescue missions, and natural disaster prevention and control, to name but a few.

The defense minister noted that political education and dissemination work should be boosted in the whole military, so as to protect the Party’s ideological foundation and fight against wrongful viewpoints of the hostile forces, and organize practical programs in celebration of the 79th anniversary of the foundation day of the Vietnam People’s Army and 34th anniversary of All-People Defense Day.

An overview of the event

Meanwhile, General Giang also underscored the need to effectively implement defense external activities, ensure logistics supplies, map out plans for the upcoming lunar New Year 2024, and more.

Translated by Minh Anh