In the attack on March 13, 1954, the division successfully destroyed Him Lam fortification, annihilated 300 enemy troops, arrested 200 others and seized all enemy weapons and equipment. The division’s victory over Him Lam fortification importantly contributed to the resounding victory of the Dien Bien Phu Campaign that shook the globe.

Promoting the unit’s heroic tradition, Division 312’s officers and soldiers constantly improve the quality of training, combat readiness, build a comprehensively-strong, exemplary and typical unit. Its Party committee and chain-of-command have issued many leadership policies and developed measures to improve training and combat quality, especially when the unit is organized in the elite, compact and strong direction.

The Division has always flexibly applied military art, especially those from the Dien Bien Phu Campaign, to innovating training contents and methods. It has organized traditional education sessions, exchanges with historical witnesses to encourage troops to overcome difficulties and complete assignments. Attentively, the Division's training results are always high and it ensured absolute safety in all aspects.

New recruits of Battalion 1, Regiment 141, Division 312 practice shooting.

Lieutenant Colonel Pham Van Ky, Political Commissar of Regiment 209 under Division 312, said that the unit has organized many dissemination and education activities for officers and soldiers to help have keep strong will and faith, master weapons and equipment, and strive to achieve their results in training and combat readiness to beautify the traditions of the heroic unit.

With high determination, despite uncomfortable weather conditions in early summer, troops of Company 1, Battalion 7, Regiment 209 keep practicing hard. To prepare for the upcoming live-fire test, new recruits of the company are racing against time, enhancing practice with the aim of achieving highest possible results. Quickly wiping away the sweat rolling down his cheeks, Private Nguyen Van Thanh from Platoon 1, Platoon 1, Company 1, happily said, “We are honored to work in a unit rich in traditions. In the past, officers and soldiers of the Regiment made resounding victories on battlefields, especially in the Dien Bien Phu Campaign. Promoting that tradition, we must strive, study hard, and train seriously to be worthy of our older generations.”

According to Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Van Tuan, Commanding Officer of Regiment 209, to raise training quality, the unit has focused on training staff at all levels, especially before a new training season.

Senior Colonel Tran Van Bich, Second-in-Command and Chief of Staff of Division 312 said that proud to win the battle at Him Lam fortification and participate in capturing alive General De Castries, officers and soldiers of Division 312 will bring into play the traditions and combat experience in training and combat readiness, building a comprehensively-strong, exemplary and typical unit.

Translated by Mai Huong