The one-month long course was organized by the Thua Thien Hue provincial Border Guard Command.

Colonel Hoang Minh Hung speaking at the event

Despite unfavorable weather conditions and the language barrier, the class was completed, fulfilling all set targets.

During the  course, the Lao trainees were equipped with basic knowledge about national territory and border and learnt about agreements on regulations on managing land border and border gates between the Vietnamese and Lao governments; border management and protection work, military training, political education, drug combat, and logistics supplies and technical services. 

Col. Hung presents certificates to the Lao trainees.
Col. Hung hands over certificates of merit to outstanding collectives and individuals.

All trainees promoted their responsibility and strictly complied with the regulations of the course. As a result, all students met set requirements and were presented with certificates.

Speaking at the ceremony, Second-in-command and Chief of Staff of the Thua Thien Hue provincial Border Guard Command Colonel Hoang Minh Hung hoped that trainees would flexibly apply acquired knowledge to their task performance. He urged the border defense force of Salavan province and the Thua Thien Hue provincial Border Guard to foster information exchange and coordination in managing and protecting the borderline; strengthening solidarity, friendship and mutual understanding, and building a borderline of peace, friendship, cooperation, and development.

At the closing ceremony, the Thua Thien Hue provincial Border Guard Command handed over certificates to 20 trainees and certificates of merit to two collectives and eight individuals with outstanding achievements in organizing and joining the class.

Translated by Chung Anh