Addressing the event, Director of the Military Broadcasting Center Major General Nguyen Kim Ton noted that during the three-month course, the Lao officers working in this field were equipped with knowledge such as editing techniques, specialized academic subjects, documentary filmmaking, and film shooting techniques. They also learned more about the information technology system, production network systems, storage, electronic editing software, and television data.

Director of the Military Broadcasting Center Major General Nguyen Kim Ton addressing the event
An overview of the ceremony

In addition, the Lao trainees also spent time experiencing cultural activities in Hanoi in particular, and in Vietnam in general, such as visiting the homeland of President Ho Chi Minh; touring Bat Trang pottery village, Hanoi Old Quarter, Uncle Ho’s mausoleum, and enjoying Vietnamese cuisine.

Head of the Lao delegation Lieutenant Colonel Thatsany Phengsavath speaking at the ceremony
Presenting certificates to the Lao officers

Congratulating the Lao officers on their successful course, Major General Nguyen Kim Ton believed that they would apply what they have learned to reality so as to produce high-quality products, serving dissemination work in the time ahead.

For his part, Head of the Lao delegation Lieutenant Colonel Thatsany Phengsavath thanked the Vietnamese side for creating favorable conditions for them to accomplish all the contents of the course, affirming that they would apply the acquired knowledge to their task implementation.

Translated by Song Anh