Ra Mai Border Post is currently managing 26 kilometers of the Vietnam-Laos shared borderline and six border markers covering the two communes of Trong Hoa (Minh Hoa district) and Thanh Hoa (Tuyen Hoa district) with more than 11,100 people and nearly 2,900 households.

Troops have dinner in the field camp.

Last month, a field camp was built for five troops of the Ra Mai Border Post to manage the key position, contributing to detecting crimes and law violations and controlling people crossing the borderline.

In addition, they have also distributed leaflets, handed out free face masks, and disseminated information on the Covid-19 pandemic. Besides, the troops have also received and sent Vietnamese citizens to quarantine areas.

Distributing leaflets to the local people

In spite of difficulties, they have fulfilled their assigned tasks and contributed to ensuring safety in the localities and controlling the Covid-19 pandemic.

Source: Baobienphong

Translated by Khanh Ngan