GDL Political Commissar Lieutenant General Do Van Thien, Deputy Director and Chief of Staff of the GDL Major General Huynh Tan Hung, and GDL Deputy Director Major General Ha Nhu Loi attended and directed the event.

According to the organizers, Sub-depot 95 of Depot 190 was tasked to receive, preserve, and allocate petroleum to military units, reserve petroleum for combat readiness and national defense missions. It had large reserves of petroleum and was at high risk of fire and explosion. In addition, it was located near a protective forest, where forest fires sometimes occurred, so the risk of fire spreading to the unit was very high. Therefore, the sub-depot was chosen as the venue of this exercise.

GDL Chain-of-command and other delegates observe the exercise.

Major General Nguyen Van Luc, Director of the Petroleum Department, and deputy head of the exercise steering board, said that the risk of fire and explosion during aforementioned operations always exists. Thus, it is important to organize personnel and vehicles to deal with fire-related situations to minimize the loss of people and property. He highlighted the exercise to help the unit adjust its fire-fighting plan close to its mission performance situation.

In this field exercise, participants practiced three scenarios, namely fighting forest fire and preventing the fire from spreading to the petroleum depot; fighting fire during moving petroleum to safer place; and giving first aid to injured people.

As many as 276 people, including 120 from Depot 190 and the remaining from local units, five fire trucks, two ambulances, and a number of specialized devices participated in this exercise.

In his speech after the success of the exercise, Maj. Gen. Huynh Tan Hung applauded participating agencies and units for their good preparations, practice, and handling of situations, ensuring safety during the exercise.

He asked chains-of-command of agencies and units to pay further attention to the fire-fighting work and Depot 190 to draw lessons and complete the fire-fighting plan with close attachment to its task requirement and real situation.

He also requested GDL’s affiliates, the military petroleum sector to promote training, improve fire prevention and fighting techno-tactical skills and capability, and ensure absolute safety of petroleum depots and tanks in any situations.

Below are several photos of the exercise.

Cadres and employees of Subdepot 95 practice responding to the forest fire occurring near the unit.
Sub-depot 95 uses fire trucks to prevent the fire from spreading to the unit.
Local units reinforce Depot 190 in fighting the fire.
Fighting the fire, preventing it from spreading to the unit
Forces and vehicles try to put out the fire of a petrol station of Sub-depot 95.
The medical staff from Military Hospital 354 under the GDL practice giving emergency aid to the injured during the fire-fighting.
Leaders of the GDL and the Petroleum Department present gifts to forces with good performance during the exercise.

Translated by Chung Anh