The Party official was accompanied by Deputy Defense Minister Senior Lieutenant General Vu Hai San.

Mr. Vo Van Thuong welcomed by commanding officers of the Naval Service

At the working session, Rear Admiral Tran Thanh Nghiem, Commander of the Vietnam People’s Navy, reported Mr. Vo Van Thuong on the outcomes of the Party building and military-defense tasks of the Naval Service in recent years.

Accordingly, the Party and political work has been deployed comprehensively across the service, contributing to building a strong naval force in terms of politics, ideology, organization, and morality.

The service’s Party Committee and Command have directed affiliated units to accomplish all military-defense tasks, contributing to firmly safeguarding the national sovereignty over sea and islands and activities of marine economy.

Mr. Vo Van Thuong presents gifts to Brigade 679 of Naval Region 1.

On behalf of the Politburo and the Party Central Committee's Secretariat, Mr. Vo Van Thuong acknowledged and praised achievements of the Naval Service over the past time. He underlined that the service’s Party and political work has been deployed comprehensively and sychoronously, contributing to building a strong and healthy unit, raising political stance for naval troops and fulfilling all assigned missions.

Regarding the military-defense tasks, he underlined that the service has completed functions and missions assigned by the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defense. Particularly, the Naval Service has forecasted all situations, provided timely recommendations for higher levels to deal with unexpected issues, contributing to maintaing the national sovereignty, peace and stability at sea.

In the time to come, Mr. Vo Van Thuong required the service’s leadership to continue observing resolutions of the Party Central Committee on Party and political system building and rectification in line with the implementation of Directive No.05 of the Politburo on studying and following President Ho Chi Minh's ideology, morality and style.

Deputy Defense Minister Senior Lieutenant General Vu Hai San (right) presents gifts to commanding officers of the Naval Service.

In addition, the Party official asked the service’s Party Committee to enhance political education to raise its troops’ awareness of the resolutions of the 13th National Party Congress and the guidelines of the Party, State, Ministry of National Defense on the national protection strategy in the current context.

Mr. Vo Van Thuong extended Tet greetings to troops and people on Truong Sa (Spratly) Island District in Khanh Hoa province and staff on the DK1 platforms in the Southern continental shelf via a video conferencing system. He also wished the naval troops good health, success and happiness prior to the Tet festival.

The same day, Mr. Vo Van Thuong visited and offered Tet gifts to troops of Brigade 679 of Naval Region 1.

Translated by Trung Thanh