At the working session, Rear Admiral Tran Thanh Nghiem, Chief of the Naval Service, briefed the delegation on the unit’s task performance over the past time. Accordingly, the service’s chains-of-command at all levels have directed relevant forces to implement military-defense tasks with remarkable achievements.

Deputy Defense Minister Sr. Lt. Gen. Vu Hai San speaks at the working session.

The service has firmly protected the national sovereignty over seas and islands and the Fatherland’s continental shelf, contributing to ensuring safety for maritime economic activities. Meanwhile, its enterprises have well implemented the dual targets of combating the pandemic and maintaining business activities.

In addition, the whole service has well implemented the COVID-19 prevention and control regulations while sending forces and vehicles to assist Southern localities in the COVID-19 fight.

Speaking at the event, Sr. Lt. Gen. Vu Hai San applauded the achievements of the service over the past time, and asked the unit to continue implementing the dual targets of task accomplishment and COVID-19 fight.

The deputy defense minister asked them to closely manage defense land, assist fishermen to reach out to sea, and join natural disaster prevention and control. He also asked them to complete the ongoing projects as scheduled and regulated by the law.

Translated by Trung Thanh