Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Tan Cuong speaking at the conference

The conference was chaired by Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Tan Cuong, Chief of the General Staff and Deputy Defense Minister.

After listening to the central report of the Naval Service’s Party Committee, General Cuong applauded achievements of the service over the past 10 years, and at the same time pointed out its shortcomings and required the leaderships at all levels to quickly address.

He said that the Naval Service is planned to develop into a modern force, thus the requirements for its training task are becoming increasingly difficult. Therefore, its Party committees and chains-of-command at all levels should enhance their leadership and seriously implement higher levels’ instructions and resolutions on training activities. In addition, the service’s Party Committee should issue a leading resolution in line with the unit’s functions and missions, contributing to fulfilling their tasks in the time to come. On the other hand, the service’s Party committees and chains of command at all levels should implement regular ideological and political education for troops to raise their awareness of training missions.

Delegates at the event

The Chief of the General Staff urged the Naval Service to research and adjust combat methods of each force, train troops to use high-tech weapons and new technical equipment, combine technique and technical training in each concrete situation, contributing to improving combat readiness and meeting task requirements in any circumstances.

Translated by Trung Thanh