In the year, NR4’s technical sector has actively provided and ensured good technical conditions for ships, vehicles, machines, and other weapons and technical equipment for routine and unscheduled missions and strictly observed regulations on receiving, transferring, allocating and retiring equipment.

Rear Admiral Nguyen Dinh Hung speaks at the event.

Attentively, the assurance of good technical conditions of assigned equipment partly helped the Vietnamese tank contingent win the silver medal at the Army Games 2021 in Russia and the third prize at the whole military good tank team festival.  

Moreover, a number of technical improvements and initiatives of NR4 were presented with high prizes at the 21st military creative youth awards, naval service-level competition, Nguyen Phan Vinh creative youth awards, among others.

Presenting certificates of merit to outstanding groups of the unit

Addressing the event, Rear Admiral Nguyen Dinh Hung, Chief of the Naval Region 4 Command asked chains-of-command of NR4’s affiliates to continue to pay attention to and direct the fulfillment of technical affairs, technical officials to raise their responsibility in improving training quality, mastering of new weapons and technical equipment, taking initiatives in technical improvements, and ensuring good conditions of vehicles, weapons and other equipment for mission completion.

At the event, the NR4 Command awarded collectives with outstanding achievements in implementing two technical breakthroughs in 2021 and responding to the campaign themed “Good, durable, and safe management of weapons and equipment and traffic safety.”

Translated by Mai Huong