Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Trong Nghia, member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy-Director of the General Department of Politics made the request while chairing a seminar on January 9 to review the implementation of the project “Modernization of military press agencies in the period of 2014-2018”.

General Ngo Xuan Lich, Minister of National Defense (first from right) visiting the traditional room of the People's Army Newspaper in June 2017. Photo:

According to a report at the event, from 2014 to 2018, 13 military press agencies have been established, making contributions to strengthening military press capabilities, improving the quality of dissemination of the Party’s guidelines, State’s policies, military and defense missions, defense external relations, defeating hostile forces' schemes and orienting public opinion.

The seminar highlighted that during the past four years, the General Department of Politics, the General Staff and Academy of Journalism and Communication organized various training courses on journalism management, military and defense knowledge and defense external relations for units, reporters and editors. In addition, military media platforms invested in building infrastructure and buying equipment in accordance with the approved plan. They thoroughly grasped and implemented strictly the instructions of the Central Military Commission, Ministry of National Defense (MND) and General Department of Politics as well as the State’s and MND’s regulations on managing investment and updating equipment.

Highly praising the great coordination among military platforms and units in modernizing military press, General Nghia hoped that these achievements would lay firm foundations for the military press to promote their quality, contributing to building an army with increased political strength.

At the seminar, delegates drew some lessons on close coordination among units, human resource development and investment management to effectively carry out  all assigned missions in the coming time.

Translated by Tran Hoai