The delegation in Vung Chua - Yen Island where General Vo Nguyen Giap rests in peace

During the three-day program, the company’s delegation laid wreath, offered incense to commemorate General Vo Nguyen Giap at his tomb in Quang Binh province. The delegation also offered flowers and incense to fallen troops at Quang Tri ancient citadel.

In a visit to Con Co Border Post under the Quang Tri provincial Border Guard Command, the delegation joined a national-flag-saluting ceremony, visited the flagpole on Con Co Island, and exchanged with Con Co border guards.

The delegation presented Con Co Border Post with tables and chairs for its hall.

The delegation presents Con Co Border Post with necessities for its hall.

Through this “Journey for national sea and islands,” TECAPRO wished to boost information dissemination, make strong changes in awareness of its cadres, employees, especially young ones of the tradition of the military, the nation, and national sacred sovereignty over its sea and islands. This will help practically foster pride and patriotism, raise awareness and responsibility, promote the spirit of enthusiasm for work and production of every cadre, employee, and Youth Union member of the company.

Translated by Song Anh