Over the past time, the two units have effectively directed its affiliates to seriously embrace and realize the all-level steering board of Task 1389’s directives, resolutions, programs and plans on the fight against crime, trafficking, trade fraud and counterfeits.

Sr. Lt. Gen. Phung Si Tan speaks at the event.

Both units have strictly observed combat readiness regulations, closely worked with forces to firmly safeguard the nation’s maritime sovereignty, helping secure political security, social order and safety in the stationed areas. Additionally, they have actively consolidated political establishments, boosted information dissemination to raise local people’s awareness of complying with the Party’s policies and the State’s law.

Applauding the two units for their outstanding task accomplishments, Gen. Tan asked them to continue preventing crimes, violations of law, promoting law and information dissemination and renovating contents and forms of dissemination work.

The units were also requested to improve troops’ political stance and awareness of their duties, role and position of the armed forces; observe combat readiness regulations; enhance disaster prevention and search and rescue operations; build force regularity, among others.

Translated by Mai Huong