On hearing the reports and carrying out the inspection at the Military Command of Bac Kan city and Regiment 750, the delegation evaluated that in the first six months of this year, the province’s armed forces well completed all assigned missions. 

Lt. Gen. Nguyen Doan Anh checks the Military Command of Bac Kan city.

Units actively and pro-actively gave recommendations to the provincial Party Committee and People’s Committee to comprehensively carry out local military and defense missions; built a healthy and strong Military Party Organization of Bac Kan in combination with comprehensively strong, exemplary, and typical unit with high combat readiness, firm defensive areas; well-maintained political security and public order. Delegates also pointed out shortcomings that need addressing in the future.

Concluding the inspection, Gen. Anh asked the provincial armed forces to thoroughly grasp and strictly implement to the directives and resolutions of the Central Military Commission, the Ministry of National Defense, and the Party Committee of Military Region 1 on enhancing the quality of training and combat readiness exercises. Units should make careful preparation for Party congresses at all levels, strengthen coordination in handling arising situations to ensure local defense and security, be ready to respond to any circumstances, conduct training as planed, accelerate combat readiness training, strictly observe discipline, and build strong and exemplary units.

At the meeting of the delegation with the Bac Kan provincial Military Command

To complete missions for the second half of the year and the coming time, the GS’s deputy chief requested Military Region 1 to direct the Bac Kan provincial Military Command to have measures to address shortcomings and limitations.

Translated by Chung Anh