Co-chairs of the meeting

On February 9, the two ministries held a meeting to review their coordination in 2022 under the co-chair of Deputy Defense Minister Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Tan Cuong and Deputy Minister of Public Security Senior Lieutenant General Tran Quoc To.

Last year, the military and public security forces jointly gave advice to the party and state, contributing to dealing with complicated defense and security situations in a timely manner. They also joined hands in ensuring absolute safety and security at major political and foreign relations events of the country and in fighting against hostile and reactionary forces’ plots and acts of sabotage.

Moreover, the border guard, coast guard and public security forces well collaborated to prevent activities that would infringe upon national security, against crimes, smuggling, trade fraud, and counterfeit goods.

Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Tan Cuong addresses the event.

The two forces worked closely to prevent acts of sabotage of hostile forces and reactionaries in border and other strategic areas.

Moreover, the functional agencies of the two ministries coordinated to monitor, prevent and remove more than 14,000 links, social network accounts, reactionary and malicious channels which went against the party and state and violated law.

Both forces actively prevented natural disasters, and conducted search and rescue activities. 

In his speech, General Cuong highly praised the coordination outcomes. He asked the functional agencies of the two ministries to continue concretizing and realizing important resolutions and conclusions on defense, security in the new situation, especially the resolutions on national security protection and defense strategies. 

Participants at the event

He urged the two forces to strengthen their coordination to spoil plots and sabotage activities of hostile and reactionary forces; to carry out solutions to ensure network security and information security, and disable activities using cyberspace to infringe upon national security.

Together with drastically fighting against all kinds of crimes, the two forces should continue to promote their vanguard role in disaster and disease prevention and control work, effectively ensure social security, comprehensive recovery and development of all aspects of social life, General Cuong said.

Translated by Mai Huong