* According to reports delivered at the conference to review task implementation and the “Determined to win movement” in 2023, the People’s Army Newspaper (PAN) has strictly implemented all resolutions and directives of the Politburo, Central Military Committee, Ministry of National Defense, General Department of Political Affairs, and its Party Committee; while grasping the situations of the country and the world, as well as defense and security tasks, so as to well perform its dissemination work.

Besides, its troops have a firm political stance and high determination to accomplish all assigned missions.

PAN's Editor-in-Chief Major General Doan Xuan Bo addresses the conference.

Notably, the PAN’s reporters received many press awards this year. Especially, the PAN has finalized the project “Building the PAN into a key and multi-platform press agency by 2030, with a vision to 2045,” approved by the Minister of National Defense.

Presenting certificates of merit to outstanding individuals

* On the same day, the Military Social Insurance Company also organized a conference to review its task implementation in 2023 and launched an emulation drive for 2024.

Senior Colonel Cao Xuan Thang, Director of the Military Social Insurance Company, speaks at the event.

Reportedly, in 2023, the unit accomplished its assigned tasks and effectively performed instructions on social insurance and health insurance as regulated, while completing payment of medical examination and treatment costs covered by health insurance for military units, businesses, and military medical facilities. In addition, in the time ahead, the company will continue to make recommendations to higher levels to effectively ensure social insurance and health insurance as regulated, and address all cases as soon as possible.

Honoring outstanding individuals who made great efforts in task performance in 2023

* In 2023, the Department of Vehicles and Machinery under the General Department of Technical Services has actively made proposals to leaders at all levels to ensure technical service and traffic safety. 

* The Military University of Culture and Arts reviewed its task implementation in 2023 via a conference held on December 8 in Hanoi.

Leader of the Military University of Culture and Arts hands over certificates of merit to outstanding individuals in 2023.

In 2023, the school accomplished all assigned tasks and renovated the teaching contents and forms. In 2024, the unit will strive to become the leading advanced and modern school in the military and the country in the cultural and artistic fields. At the conference, the school launched the “Determined to Win” emulation movement in 2024 and awarded collectives and individuals with outstanding achievements in 2023.

Translated by Minh Anh