Senior Lieutenant General Vo Minh Luong, Deputy Minister of National Defense, attended and delivered a keynote speech at the "Determined to win" Emulation Congress of the President Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum Protection Command.

Sr. Lt. Gen. Vo Minh Luong speaks at the event.

Over the past five years, the "Determined to win" emulation movement of the Mausoleum Protection Command has been closely directed and organized by the command's leadership and the Party committee, leading to the successful fulfillment of the mission of safeguarding the body of President Ho Chi Minh and promoting the cultural and political significance of the President Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum. Through the emulation movement, the command honored 28 collectives and 56 individuals at various levels, with hundreds more recognized, including prestigious awards, such as the Third-class Military Exploit Order, First-class Labor Order, First-class Fatherland Protection Order, and the Government's emulation flags.

In his speech, Senior Lieutenant General Vo Minh Luong commended the command for its outstanding achievements of the command over the past five years. He emphasized that in the coming period, the command, along with its Party committees and commanding officers, should continue to enhance education to raise awareness and responsibility of officers, employees, and soldiers participating in the emulation movement.

He further noted that the emulation movement should focus on building firm Party organizations and comprehensively strong units. The Command must be a leading force of the entire military in studying and following the thought, morality, and lifestyle of President Ho Chi Minh and the movement "Promoting tradition, dedicating talent, deserving to be Uncle Ho's soldiers in the new era."

* On August 22, the Engineering Corps held its "Determined to win" Emulation Congress for the 2019-2024 period. Lieutenant General Pham Truong Son, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People's Army, attended the event.

Lieutenant General Pham Truong Son at the "Determined to win" Emulation Congress of the Engineering Corps

Over the past five years, the emulation and commendation work and the "Determined to win" emulation movement have closely been directed and comprehensively implemented by the corps' Party committees and chains-of-command at all levels, contributing directly to building strong units and successfully fulfilling all assigned tasks.

Speaking at the congress, Lieutenant General Pham Truong Son praised the accomplishments of the Engineering Corps. He urged the corps' Party Committee and Commanding staff to deeply understand and strictly implement the Party's policies, the State's laws, and the directives from the Central Military Commission, the Ministry of National Defense, and the General Department of Political Affairs regarding emulation and commendation work and the "Determined to win" emulation movement. The work must closely follow the reality of training, combat readiness, and the operations of the units, creating comprehensive strength to help the corps excel in its tasks.

* On August 22, the Party Committee and Chain-of-command of Military Region 5 held the "Determined to win" Emulation Congress in the 2019-2024 period.

Lieutenant General Thai Dai Ngoc, Commander of Military Region 5, addresses the event. 

The summary report and discussions at the congress acknowledged that the emulation and commendation work and the "Determined to win" emulation movement within Military Region 5 have consistently innovated in contents, forms, and methods. The units have effectively implemented three breakthroughs as per the resolutions of the 10th Congress of Military Region 5's Party Organization. The entire military region has implemented over 50 scientific research projects, 100 historical-summary works, and 300 initiatives and models that have been recognized and awarded, with 66 initiatives and models receiving commendations from the Ministry of National Defense.

With these achievements, during the 2019-2024 period, Military Region 5 has been awarded the First-class Fatherland Protection Order and the Third-class Feat-of-Arms Order by the State President. Ten collectives have received the Government’s emulation flags, and 69 collectives have been awarded the Ministry of National Defense’s emulation flags.

For the 2024-2029 period, the military region will focus their emulation goals on improving the quality of training, combat readiness, and enhancing the potential and strength of the all-people national defense. They aim to develop and replicate exemplary collectives and individuals, contributing to building a strong military region. At the congress, the Party Committee and Chain-of-command of Military Region 5 announced decisions and presented awards to 46 collectives and 121 individuals with outstanding results in the "Determined to win" emulation movement for the 2019-2024 period.

Translated by Trung Thanh