Major General Tran Van Xuan, Deputy Political Commissar and Director of the Political Department of the Vietnam Coast Guard Command, chaired the event.

Major General Tran Van Xuan speaking at the event

Over the past five years, the “Determined to win” emulation movement and commendation work have been implemented strictly in line with the Party’s guidelines and policies, the State’s laws, and resolutions, directives, and instructions of higher levels. These works have closely followed situations and met task requirements of agencies and units, contributing to bringing about a deep change in all fields and building comprehensively-strong, typical, and exemplary units.

Major General Tran Van Xuan and typical individuals of the center in a joint photo

Meanwhile, the center’s agencies and units have paid much attention to taking care of officers, Party members, and Youth Union members, thereby enhancing their political stance and determination to receive and accomplish all assigned missions.

Addressing the event, Major General Tran Van Xuan praised the achievements obtained by officers and soldiers of the center over the past time, requiring that in the coming time, the center should further foster the “Determined to win” emulation movement and commendation work; promote the good virtues of Uncle Ho's soldiers and the coast guard force; and build a contingent of officers, instructors, employees, and troops with a firm political stance and good ethics.

Translated by Quynh Oanh