At the event

Over the past time, schools and academies in the whole military have focused on building faculties and subjects, capacity building for lecturers, and renewing training methods and contents, following the Directive No.89/ CT-BQP issued by Defense Minister on January 9, 2016. In addition, they held seminars and launched scientific research projects using foreign languages while establishing teams and clubs and other models to enhance foreign language command, considering it a criterion for ranking promotion and pay raises for all staff and employees.

At the meeting, military schools were asked to continue building suitable foreign language training programs, with a focus on five major ones, namely English, Russian, Chinese, Lao and Khmer. Also, they were ordered to improve infrastructure and enhance international cooperation while developing their contingents of teachers and lecturers with professionalism to meet the task performance in the time to come.

Translated by Trung Thanh