In the flow of the whole nation’s press, military press agencies are always innovative, creative and fulfill their tasks in popularizing defense and security affairs as well as Fatherland protection, contributing to building the Vietnam People’s Army and raising the combined strength of the military.

Notably, military press agencies always serve as the pioneering force in guiding public opinion, raising awareness of troops and people in military building, defense consolidation, and Fatherland protection. They also actively disseminate information about the position and role of the military in building the “people’s heart” posture, in line with firmly building and enhancing the whole people’s defense and the people’s warfare posture. Military reporters have overcome difficulties in remote areas and harsh conditions of natural disasters, pandemics and diseases to capture information to serve the public.

Head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Communication and Education Nguyen Trong Nghia and delegates of the People's Army Newspaper at the National Press Festival in 2023

Besides, military press agencies are also present in the ideological and cultural front, make contribution to firmly protecting the Party’s ideological foundation, well perform the function of ideological and political orientation for troops and people, and actively fight against wrongful viewpoints of hostile forces in order to ensure the national interests. They have become an important bridge among the Party, State, military, people, and international friends.

For that reason, President Ho Chi Minh called the military press a “revolutionary newspaper,” and military reporters “revolutionary soldiers.” Following President Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality, and lifestyle, under the leadership of the Party, State, Central Military Commission, Ministry of National Defense, and General Department of Political Affairs, military press agencies have tried their best to accomplish all assigned tasks, affirming their position, role, and prestige in the Vietnamese revolutionary press, and were honored with many noble orders.

The fact has proved that in any circumstances, the soldier reporters always ensure their political stance with good competence. They disseminate the Party’s guidelines and State’s policies and laws; resolutions and directions of the Central Military Commission and Ministry of National Defense on military and defense tasks, contributing to promoting the beautiful image of Uncle Ho’s soldiers among people.

Meanwhile, the military press has shown its strong will and firm political stance and pioneered in information dissemination front, so as to promote and honor core values of the people, nation and military. Especially, it frankly points out negative issues and is active in the fight against wrongful viewpoints and “peaceful evolution” strategy of hostile forces and prevents the signs of “self-evolution” and “self-transformation.”

Troops of Regiment 246, Division 346, Military Region 1, and the locals reading the People's Army Newspaper

In response to the military building task, military press agencies should be well aware of their roles, functions and missions, actively overcome difficulties and challenges, continue to renovate its contents and forms so as to attract audience while quickly reflecting events in daily life, especially military and defense task performance as well as military building missions, contributing to promoting the image of Uncle Ho’s soldiers in the current context.

During the cause of national renewal (Doi Moi) progress, construction and defense, the military press should be active in studying and taking advantage of modern technology techniques in order to improve capability, promoting professionalism of reporters and discipline observance of soldiers, deserving to be soldier reporters.

In addition, the Central Military Commission, Ministry of National Defense should take due care of building the revolutionary, professional and modern military press. Besides, it should be equipped with modern facilities so as to accurately and effectively disseminate information as quick as possible. Meanwhile, suitable and appropriate policies should be made to attract young reporters to serve in the military, meeting task requirements in the coming time.

Moreover, it is necessary for the military press to diversify forms and contents of articles and publications; detect, cultivate and multiply typical examples in the society; encourage the whole military to further study and follow President Ho Chi Minh's noble personality; speed up the campaign for “Bringing into play traditions, devoting talent, deserving to be Uncle Ho’s soldiers”; and foster the implementation of the Central Military Commission’s Resolution No.847-NQ/QUTW issued on December 28, 2021 on promoting virtues of Uncle Ho’s soldiers and fighting individualism in the current context.

Translated by Minh Anh