The deputy director of the General Department of Political Affairs (GDP) of the Vietnam People’s Army made the commendation during his visits to Ha Tinh city and Ha Tinh province on September 5 and 6 to check the coordination in performing mass mobilization work of the armed forces of the city and the province in 2023.

Lt. Gen. Nguyen Van Gau speaking at the working session in Ha Tinh city

Gen. Gau led a mission from the Party Central Committee (PCC)’s Commission for Mass Mobilization, the Ministry of Public Security, and the GDP. The mission’s visits were to realize the PCC’s Commission for Mass Mobilization’s Plan No.91-KH/BDVTW issued on July 4, 2023 on checking the implementation of the coordination program on mass mobilization work of the armed forces in 2023.

As reported, over the past time, the mass mobilization work of the municipal and provincial armed forces in general has been conducted comprehensively, specifically, and close to reality of the locality and units.

In the city, many emulation movements have been launched and proved their effectiveness, such as “Good mass mobilization,” “Good mass mobilization unit,” and “All people join hands for the poor - Leaving no one behind.” Moreover, since 2022, the city has built and successfully multiplied 429 “Good mass mobilization” models and role models in different fields in the society. Among them, 41 typical models are in the fields of defense and security.

Meanwhile, since 2021, the provincial Military Command has mobilized troops and militiamen to contribute working days to repair and build more than 34.5km of traffic roads, fix 19 natural disaster-hit houses, provide health check-ups and medicines for 338 people. Besides, the provincial Border Guard Command has deployed forces and granted tens of billion Vietnamese dong to localities to help them build new-style rural areas.

The local armed forces have teamed up with relevant agencies and units to consolidate the grassroots political system, promote the role of religious cadres to encourage followers to build and defend the Fatherland and consolidate the defense-security posture.

Agencies and units in the city and province have always paid attention to promoting contacts, dialogues, coordination to deal with difficulties and problems, people’s complaints and petitions. Thanks to that they have made good recommendations to the city’s Party Committee, People’s Council and Committee to issue timely policies and develop solutions to issues related to land, relocation and resettlement, land clearance, disagreements, among others.

In his speech, Gen. Gau asked the agencies and units in the city and province to focus their leadership and direction on overcoming shortcomings that the mission pointed out, actively and pro-actively research and renovate mass mobilization work-related contents and methods according to the characteristics of each locality and unit and forces’ duties in the new situation. Their implementation of the work should go with the realization of the project on “enhancing the quality and efficiency of the mass mobilization work of Military Region 4’s armed forces in specialized areas under the military region in the 2023-2030 period and following years.”

The delegation checking the coordination in conducting mass mobilization work in Ha Tinh province

The GDP deputy chief also urged them to boost exchanges and coordination to gain more experience to effectively implement the work in any circumstances and any conditions, and to grasp situational developments of the locality and local people, ethnic and religious issues, especially when major events of the country, locality, public security and military forces take place, sensitive issues and other difficulties facing local people.

The agencies and units were requested to exchange information in a timely manner, make accurate forecasts of situations, give suggestions to handle complicated issues promptly and completely from the grassroots level to avoid them from becoming “hot issues,” and expand emulation movements and good models in the work performance.

Translated by Mai Huong