Lieutenant Colonel Vo Chi Tam, Commanding Officer of Gia Dinh Regiment, noted that annually, the unit works with local authorities to map out plans to build new-style rural areas and civilized city, protect the environment, and organize training on tactics, law dissemination, search and rescue, among others.

As a results, the unit completes set targets while troops strictly observe the military discipline and State’s laws. For years, the unit has attached much importance to educating troops to raise training and combat readiness quality, while helping locals, thereby deepening military-civilian ties and promoting the image of Uncle Ho’s soldiers in the current context.


Troops of Gia Dinh Regiment going on field trips in combination with implementing mass mobilization work

Cleaning up canals in District 7, Ho Chi Minh City
Helping locals clean the environment around canals
Clearing polluted alleys in District 12, Ho Chi Minh City
Supporting people in Long Thoi commune, Nha Be district, Ho Chi Minh City to concretize rural roads
Disseminating laws to local residents
Conducting a field trip in District 7, Ho Chi Minh City

Translated by Minh Anh