The event was attended by former Defense Minister General Pham Van Tra, former Vice Chairman of the National Assembly General Do Ba Ty, and Deputy Defense Ministers Senior Lieutenant Generals Vu Hai San and Pham Hoai Nam.

Present at the event were Deputy Chief of the General Staff Senior Lieutenant Generals Huynh Chien Thang and Phung Si Tan, and Deputy Chief of the General Department of Political Affairs Lieutenant General Le Quang Minh.

Deputy Chief of the General Staff Senior Lieutenant General Phung Si Tan addresses the event.

On June 8, 1948, in Diem Mac commune, Dinh Hoa district, Thai Nguyen province, the GS’s Department of Political Affairs was established. Throughout its history, in any circumstances, the department’s troops and staff have been absolutely loyal to the revolutionary cause of the Party and overcome difficulties to fulfill all assigned missions.

In addition, the unit has supported the GS’s Party Committee to conduct Party and political work with good outcomes, contributing to building a strong unit and accomplishing all assigned tasks.

Delegates at the ceremony

Addressing the event, General Tan hailed and congratulated the unit on its achievements over the past 75 years, requesting the unit to strictly implement all resolutions and directives of the higher levels and grasp situations. It should also attach much importance to political education work so as to raise troops’ awareness of the Party’s guidelines and policies and State’s laws in order to accomplish their assigned missions.


Senior Lieutenant General Phung Si Tan presents the third-class Fatherland Protection Order to the GS’s Department of Political Affairs.

At the ceremony, authorized by State President, General Tan presented the third-class Fatherland Protection Order to the GS’s Department of Political Affairs.

Translated by Minh Anh