At the meeting, Commander of Army Corps 18 cum Director of the company Major General Kieu Dang Hung briefed the delegation on the unit’s task performance over the past time and tasks mapped out for the coming time.

An overview of the event

Concluding the event, Major General Pham Truong Son requested leaders of Army Corps 18 to continue to direct the implementation of the training task, ensure flight safety, and be ready to conduct flights as directed by the MND, while boosting production and business and ensuring safety in all aspects in accordance with State laws.

Meanwhile, the corps should also make thorough preparations in personnel, equipment, be ready to implement contracts with foreign partners, regularly maintain technical assurance on helicopters, operate flights according to procedures, closely work with functional units in ensuring supplies for Mi class aircraft, take care of officers, employees and workers’ daily life, especially the pilots.

Translated by Minh Anh