During the visits, the delegation comprehensively evaluated task performance in all fields, especially training and combat readiness, political and ideological work, technical and logistic services, and living standards, while inquiring after and presenting gifts to soldiers and islanders on islands and platforms.

Sr. Lt. Gen. Nguyen Van Nghia inquires after officers and soldiers.

Concluding the inspection, General Nghia hailed the great efforts of officers and soldiers in overcoming difficulties and accomplishing all assigned tasks. Troops have heightened their determination and promoted solidarity to firmly safeguard national sovereignty over sea and islands.

Meanwhile, the units have strictly maintained combat readiness posture, regularly conducted patrols, detected targets and handled them in a timely manner and in line with regulations, and organized exercises on combat plans, among others.

Gen. Nghia emphasized that in the face of complicated developments in the region and world, the units should heighten combat readiness posture and be ready in any circumstances to build the whole people's defense posture, focus on production work and take care of troops’ material and spiritual life, boost military-civilian ties and encourage fishermen to continue fishing at sea.

Gen. Nghia presents gifts to troops and islanders on Truong Sa Island.

In addition, the deputy chief pointed out the shortcomings and asked the units to map out solutions to deal with the remaining issues. The units should raise troops’ awareness of the strategic position of the Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelago for national construction and defense, he added.

On this occasion, the delegates learned about the reality so as to make proposals to higher levels to address practical issues related to the Truong Sa archipelago and DK1 platforms.

Especially, all delegates felt very proud and admired troops’ self-reliance in overcoming hardships to complete their assignments. They also expressed their beliefs in the troops and islanders’ bravery, will, determination and loyalty to the Party, State and political system.

Translated by Quynh Oanh