Inquiring after former GDP Chief General Le Van Dung, General Gau wished him good health, hoping that he would further promote revolutionary virtues, pioneering spirit, and experience to contribute to the Party’s revolutionary cause and the cause of building a revolutionary, regular, elite, and gradually modernized military.

General Gau and the delegation visit and present gifts to General Le Van Dung.

General Gau also informed General Dung of the world and regional situations; the mission outcomes of the Party, State, military and GDP, especially Party and political work and gratitude activities over the past time, as well as key tasks of the MND and GDP in the time ahead.

General Gau presents gifts to General Le Van Dung.

For his part, General Dung expressed his joy at the outcomes of the mission accomplishment of the whole military over the past time, believing that the military would be further developed and fulfill all assigned tasks entrusted by the Party, State, and people, meeting all task requirements in the cause of national construction and protection.

General Gau presents gifts to Senior Lieutenant General Bui Van Huan and his family.

On the occasion, the GDP delegation also visited former GDP Deputy Chief Senior Lieutenant General Bui Van Huan's family, wishing them good health and happiness. General Gau hoped that they would promote the revolutionary traditions and make further contribution to the country’s development.

Translated by Minh Anh