Speaking at the opening ceremony, Head of the Department of Political Affairs Major General Tran Ngoc Anh emphasized that over the past time the building of comprehensive strong GDP Organs and politically-, ideologically-, ethically-, organizationally-strong Party Organization has obtained significant achievements. Under the direct leadership and instruction of GDP’s leaders and the Organs’ Party Committee, the GDP Organs has successfully completed assigned missions. 

Maj. General Tran Ngoc Anh speaks at the opening ceremony.

To better meet future tasks, the GDP head Organs have decided to hold a refresher course to raise professional competence of party secretaries, deputy secretaries, political agencies, and political officers. 

Delegates at the event

After the event, party committees, party cells, and chains-of-command at all levels will direct their units to study and well apply the provided knowledge to the implementation of party and political work, thus making comprehensive and sustainable changes in building party organizations and comprehensively strong, exemplary, and outstanding units that are capable of fulfilling their assigned missions.

Translated by Tran Hoai