General Luong Cuong visits Pu Nhi Border Post, Thanh Hoa province.

On behalf of the Central Military Commission (CMC), Ministry of National Defense (MND) and the GDP, General Luong Cuong hailed the units’ achievements over the past time.

General Luong Cuong speaks at the event.

In order to well fulfill military, defense and border protection tasks in 2023 and the following years, the GDP leader requested the troops to be well aware of assigned missions and make recommendations to higher levels, contributing to strictly maintaining combat readiness, protecting national sovereignty, ensuring security in border areas, and building the borderline of solidarity, integration and development.

Presenting gifts to units

He also asked them to work closely with local authorities and forces stationed in the areas so as to build the all people’s border defense posture under the all people’s national defense posture in line with the people’s security posture, building healthy and strong Party organizations, and comprehensively strong and exemplary units.

On the occasion, General Luong Cuong presented the CMC and MND’s gifts to the units.

Translated by Minh Anh