Over the past time, the GDL has developed plans and secured logistics supplies, including military supplies, equipment, medicines, transportation, gasoline, and barracks for forces participating in the victory-marking parade.

Lt. Gen. Tran Duy Giang chairs the event.

In the coming time, the agency will continue to closely coordinate with relevant forces to transport personnel and equipment to Dien Bien province and vice versa, provide adequate logistics equipment for participating forces, and accommodations to ensure troops’ health.

At the meeting, the GDL announced the decision on establishing a level-2 field hospital under the management of Military Hospital 354. The hospital is tasked with receiving, evaluating, classifying, giving emergency aid and treatment to sick and wounded people and staying ready to support local health system in disease prevention and control as well as taking part in community aid activities on request.

Delegates at the meeting

During the parade and other activities within the Dien Bien Phu Victory celebrations, medical staff from hospitals under the GDL will team up with other agencies and units to provide free health check-ups and medicines to people in Dien Bien Phu city and Dien Bien Dong district.

In his speech, Gen. Giang praised military logistics forces for their utmost efforts and responsibility in preparing for the celebrations. He asked them to continue carrying out their assigned tasks in a practical and close-to-reality manner.

The GDL chief urged agencies and units to educate their troops about the significance and importance of the celebrations, keep a close watch on local situational developments, perform mass mobilization work, and implement policies for participating forces.

Translated by Mai Huong