Co-chairs of the seminar

In his opening speech, Chief of the General Department of Political Affairs (GDP) General Luong Cuong recalled that 70 years go, under the sound leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam and President Ho Chi Minh, the Vietnamese troops and people completely annihilated the Dien Bien Phu stronghold. Apart from shattering the invading plots of the French colonialists and playing a decisive role in ending the nation’s protracted resistance war, the Dien Bien Phu Victory opened up a new chapter in human history, inspiring and encouraging oppressed nations to struggle for their liberation.

Gen. Cuong affirmed that the historic victory left profound theoretical and practical lessons and experience that still remain their worth to the current task of building and safeguarding the socialist Vietnam.

General Luong Cuong delivers a speech at the event.

The GDP’s Chief said that the seminar, which was held 70 years after the victory, was an opportunity to for us fully and accurately comprehend the scope, significance, and far-reaching impact of the historic Dien Bien Phu Victory. The event also aimed to further affirm and clarify the Party and President Ho Chi Minh’s sound viewpoints, thought, and strategies on the people’s war; the astuteness, creativity, and decisiveness in the leadership and strategic direction of the Politburo, directly the Central Military Commission and the campaign’s command.

He reaffirmed that the Dien Bien Phu Victory is one of the shining milestones in the history of the nation’s struggle against foreign invaders, becoming a symbol of the strength of Vietnam during the Ho Chi Minh era and leaving precious lessons for the Vietnamese revolution.

Participants at the seminar

The event was an opportunity for the whole Party, people, and military to pay tribute to troops who bravely fought and sacrificed themselves for national liberation; thank international friends for their impartial support. It was also to strength patriotism, pride, national unity bloc; arouse aspiration for peace; promote national power; educate young people about the national tradition; contribute to the struggle against wrongful allegations of hostile forces and foil signs of “peaceful evolution,” “self-evolution,” and “self-transformation.”  

Together with affirming the sound leadership of the Party and President Ho Chi Minh and highlighting the “determined to fight, determined to win” spirit and patriotism, delegates focused on clarifying the valuable lessons learnt from the Dien Bien Phu Victory to be applied to the current Fatherland construction and defense cause, especially military building, defense consolidation, and Fatherland safeguarding in the new context.

Delegates tour an exhibition held on the sidelines of the seminar.

Translated by Tran Hoai