General Giang inquired after the health, life, and preparation for Tet of former Politburo members, and former Defense Ministers General Pham Van Tra, General Ngo Xuan Lich; former Politburo member and former Director of the General Department of Political Affairs (GDP) Sr. Lt. Gen. Pham Thanh Ngan; former Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Lt. Gen. Dang Quan Thuy; and former Deputy Defense Minister Lt. Gen. Phan Thu.

General Phan Van Giang presents Tet gifts to former Politburo member, and former Defense Minister General Pham Van Tra.

The defense chief happily reported the achievements gained by the whole military last year, especially in training, combat readiness, COVID-19 prevention and control work.

General Giang wishes General Ngo Xuan Lich good health and happiness.

General Giang emphasized that in 2021, the military continued to not only bring into play its pivotal role in the national construction and defense cause, but also be a strong and reliable support for the people, especially in natural disaster and disease prevention and control. Their activities were highly appreciated by the Party, State, local party committees, authorities and people.

Inquiring after Sr. Lt. Gen. Pham Thanh Ngan

At the meetings, General Giang talked about major tasks focused on by the Central Military Commission and Ministry of National Defense and hoped that the former military leaders would continue to give opinions to help develop a stronger Vietnam People’s Army and the military accomplish all assignments by the Party, State, and people.

As the lunar New Year is drawing nearer, Defense Minister Giang presented Tet gifts to the hosts and wished them and their families’ health and happiness.

General Giang offers incense in tribute to former Party General Secretary Le Kha Phieu.

General Giang also also visited and extended Tet wishes to the families of Sr. Lt. Gen. Le Kha Phieu, former Politburo member and former Party General Secretary, former GDP director; General Le Duc Anh, former Politburo member, former State President, former Defense Minister; and former Politburo members and former Defense Ministers General Vo Nguyen Giap, General Van Tien Dung, General Doan Khue, General Phung Quang Thanh; former Politburo members and former GDP directors General Nguyen Chi Thanh, General Chu Huy Man; former Chiefs of the General Staff and former Deputy Defense Ministers General Hoang Van Thai, General Le Trong Tan and Sr. Lt. Gen. Dao Dinh Luyen.

During the visits, the defense leader expressed gratitude for the great contribution and devotion of the military leaders in the revolutionary cause of the Party, the nation, and in the cause of building the heroic Vietnam People’s Army.

General Phan Van Giang graciously inquired after the health, life and preparation for Tet of the relatives of former military leaders. On behalf of the Central Military Commission and the leadership of the Ministry of National Defense, General Phan Van Giang presented Tet gifts and wished families a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.

Translated by Mai Huong