Speaking at the event, on behalf of the leadership of the GDP, Lieutenant General Le Quang Minh praised the outstanding achievements of Corps 12 over the past five years. Despite facing many difficulties and challenges, Corps 12 has made significant efforts, implementing a comprehensive range of initiatives and solutions in production and business activities, enhancing competitiveness, and expanding production scale.

Lieutenant General Le Quang Minh speaks at the event.

Lieutenant General Le Quang Minh urged affiliated agencies and units of the corps to continue thoroughly grasping President Ho Chi Minh's thought, the viewpoints and directives of the Party, the policies and laws of the State, and the resolutions and directives of the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defense on emulation and commendation work. The entire corps should intensify political and ideological education, as well as the unit's traditions, while innovating the contents, forms, and methods of organizing emulation activities to align with the specific characteristics of a production and business unit and the performance of defense tasks. The corps must closely link production and business activities with the effective implementation of military and defense affairs.

An over view of the event

On this occasion, the Commander of Corps 12 presented emulation flags to two collectives, and awarded certificates of merit to eight collectives and 68 individuals who made outstanding achievements in the "Determined to Win" emulation movement during the 2019-2024 period.

Translated by Trung Thanh