Reportedly, the corps’ Party Committee and Chain-of-Command has directed its affiliated units and observed the implementation of resolutions and directives at all levels and the MND’s orders on the judicial, inspection and legal work; 1389 work; the implementation of law dissemination and education; the management of defense land and the law enforcement on bidding.

Deputy Defense Minister Senior Lieutenant General Vo Minh Luong addresses the working session with Army Corps 11.

The delegation requested the corps to boost leadership on law dissemination and education, as well as strengthen the management of capital of enterprises, while conducting the Party and State’s policies and regulations of the Central Military Commission ad MND on these fields.

Addressing the inspection, General Luong underscored the function of the corps is to both develop economy and implement the MND’s strategic tasks like search and rescue mission. Especially, it should implement production and business work as regulated.


Senior Lieutenant General Vo Minh Luong and personnel of Army Corps 11 in a joint photo

The deputy defense minister asked the corps to develop economy in line with building the reserve force, while boosting solidarity and responsibility among troops, to name but a few.

Translated by Minh Anh