The event was attended by functional agencies of the defense ministry, and leaders and representatives of the academy.

Sr. Lt. Gen. Vu Hai San (center) presents flowers to Maj. Gen. Do Minh Xuong (first from right) and Lt. Gen. Hoang Van Minh.

Speaking at the ceremony, Gen. San congratulated Gen. Minh on completing all missions assigned by the Party, the State, the military, and the people during his 41-year career. Notably, during his term of office as Deputy Director and then Director of the Army Academy, Gen. Minh has made significant contribution to the development of the school.

The deputy defense minister hoped that the retired officer will continue promoting his experience and knowledge to support the academy in education and training and scientific researching as well as promoting virtues of Uncle Ho’s soldiers.

Congratulating Maj. Gen. Xuong for his newly-appointed position, the deputy defense minister hoped that the officer will promote his responsibilities and capabilities to collaborate with other leaders to complete all assigned missions, contributing to building a regular and modern academy.

Translated by Chung Anh