Senior Colonel Luong Dinh Lanh, Deputy Commander and Chief of the Staff of Army Corps 4, was promoted to the post of Commander, replacing former Commander Major General Pham Xuan Thuyet.

Meanwhile, the Standing Committee of the Central Military Commission also assigned Senior Colonel Luong Dinh Lanh as Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Army Corps 4.

Lieutenant General Phung Si Tan chairs the conference. Photo: VNA

Addressing the event, General Tan acknowledged and hailed the great contribution of Major General Pham Xuan Thuyet to the military in general and Army Corps 4 in particular. The Deputy Chief of the General Staff also congratulated the newly-appointed commander, affirming that the appointment is an acknowledgement of the Party, the State and the military for his efforts in training and task performance.

General Tan emphasized that Army Corps 4 is an important unit of the Ministry of National Defense, stationed in strategic and key areas in the south of the country.

Therefore, in his new position, Senior Colonel Luong Dinh Lanh should raise his sense of responsibility, together with the Army Corps 4’s Party Committee and Command, to direct the unit to fulfill all assigned missions.

For his part, the newly-appointed commander thanked the Party, State, Ministry of National Defense and Army Corps 4 for creating favorable conditions for him and affirmed that he would try his best to overcome difficulties so as to build a comprehensively strong unit and perform all tasks.

Translated by Minh Anh