Deputy Defense Minister and Head of the MND’s Board for Women’s Advancement Senior Lieutenant General Le Huy Vinh chaired the event.

Deputy Defense Minister Sr. Lt. Gen. Le Huy Vinh speaking at the event

2023 marked the 8th consecutive time the military has joined hands with the whole country to respond to the Action Month on gender equality and gender-based violence prevention and response, contributing to promoting law dissemination and education and raising awareness of troops, women’s union members and workers in the whole military of gender equality.

Speaking at the ceremony, Sr. Lt. Gen. Le Huy Vinh required party committees, chains-of-command of agencies and units to pay more attention to organizing activities in response to the action month.

Delegates attending the ceremony

Meanwhile, agencies and units should enhance law dissemination and education, with a focus on the contents related to gender equality, domestic violence prevention and control, and gender-based violence prevention and response.

Troops, women’s union members and employees in the whole military should provide their family members with knowledge about skills to self-protect and prevent violence and abuse against women and children.

In addition, agencies and units should promote the pioneering role of male officers in changing their behavior towards gender equality and gender-based violence prevention and response, thereby creating positive spillovers in the community and gradually narrowing the gender gap in all aspects of workspace and daily life.

Delegates launch the Action Month for gender equality and gender-based violence prevention and control in the military.

Also, relevant agencies and organizations should heighten their responsibilities in implementing gender equality work and eliminating gender-based violence while synchronously carrying out solutions to prevent, detect, and handle cases of violence and abuse against women and children in a timely manner, as well as promoting the advisory role of the Board for Women’s Advancement at all levels in the organization of activities to respond to the Action Month.

On the occasion, the MND’s Board for Women’s Advancement presented gifts to 50 families of outstanding officers.

Senior Lieutenant General Le Huy Vinh and Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Gau, Deputy Director of the General Department of Political Affairs, present gifts to families of outstanding officers.
Senior Colonel Phung Thi Phu, Head of the Military Women Advisory Board, addresses the event.
Some photos of flashmob performance in response to the Action Month on gender equality in the military in 2023

Translated by Quynh Oanh