This was stated by Naval Academy’s Vice Director Senior Captain Nguyen Dinh Giang in an interview granted to a reporter of the People’s Army Newspaper before the Sailing Vessel 286 - Le Quy Don's departure for a sea training and a visit and exchange program with naval troops of Indonesia and Brunei from July 6 to August 6.

Sr. Capt. Nguyen Dinh Giang leads the Vietnamese mission for visits and exchanges with naval troops of Indonesia and Brunei.

Capt. Giang added that this trip is an opportunity for the Naval Academy’s senior naval cadets to enhance abilities of mastering weapons and equipment and handling actual circumstances at sea.

According to the Naval Academy’s vice director, within the visit and exchange program in Indonesia and Brunei, the delegation will pay courtesy calls on local leaders and naval officials; visit naval bases and exchange experience in organizing professional activities; and welcome officers and sailors from the partner navies aboard the sailing vessel.

The Vietnamese naval officers and cadets will also organize culture and sports exchanges with their peers of Indonesia and Brunei’s navies and tour famous landscapes in the countries.

According to Capt. Giang, Sailing Vessel 286 - Le Quy Don, built by a Polish shipyard in 2015, is the first training ship of the Vietnam People’s Navy. It was commissioned by the Ministry of National Defense with the task of training naval cadets for long sea voyages and conducting defense diplomacy activities with countries in the Southeast Asian region and others as requested.

During this visit and exchange program, Sailing Vessel 286’s crew-members, together with the delegation, will also conduct practical training at sea for the senior naval cadets to enhance their command, coordination, and skills of using onboard equipment. It also aims to develop their ability to assess maritime situations and handle various scenarios in international waters.

Sailing Vessel 286 - Le Quy Don

The naval cadets will also practice the saluting ceremony called Hello ASEAN (a saluting protocol at sea among naval ships of ASEAN member states) and exercise contents of the Code for Unplanned Encounters at Sea (CUES).

Translated by Tran Hoai