The activity was part of the ongoing eighth Vietnam-China Border Defense Friendship Exchange.

Participant at the event


The house was built under the investment from the Ministry of National Defense of Vietnam on the occasion of the exchange. This is the biggest, and the most beautiful cultural house in Lao Cai province and holds a special meaning. It is a place for people living along the shared border to exchange, boost friendship, cooperation and improve their spiritual life. It is a symbol of the Vietnam-China comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership that has been constantly consolidated and developed.

Vietnamese and Chinese defense ministers and other delegates cut the ribbon to inaugurate the house. 
The two defense ministers present gifts to the locality at the event.

Speaking at the event, Chairman of Ban Phiet commune People’s Committee Nguyen Anh Tu confirmed that the locality will continue to promote the solidarity and friendship between the authorities and people of both sides of the shared borderline, give support to each other in economic development, enhance cultural exchange, and join hands with the Chinese side to maintain security and order in border areas, contributing to the joint efforts of building Vietnam-China borderline of peace, friendship, cooperation and development.

Also on the morning of April 11, Defense Ministers Phan Van Giang and Dong Jun and the high ranking delegations of Vietnamese and Chinese defense ministries visited Kim Dong Primary School in Lao Cai city.

The two ministers welcomed at Kim Dong Primary School

In her speech, the school’s principal Hoang Thi Huong Giang expressed the honor and pride to welcome the two defense chiefs and delegations at the school and confirmed that the school will continue to achieve good results in teaching and studying and actively disseminate information and educate the students of the solidarity, friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and China.

Founded in 1993, Kim Dong Primary School is one of the typical schools in Lao Cai city in particular and Lao Cai province in general.

Participants at the event

Inquiring after the teachers and students of Kim Dong Primary School, Vice Chairman of Chinese province of Yunnan Na Yunde expressed his belief that today and future students of the school will be inheritors cultivating the friendship between China and Vietnam and contributing their youthfulness to building a Vietnam-China community of a shared future.

Defense Ministers Phan Van Giang and Dong Jun present gifts to the school.
The two ministers in a joint photo with the school's teachers and students

Translated by Mai Huong