In the spirit of friendship, the two sides agreed to effectively carry out their memorandum of understanding reached at the talks and the cooperation agreement between the Vietnam Border Guard Command and the Cambodian Gendarmerie Command.


Senior Colonel Vu Xuan Dai, Commanding Officer of the Dak Nong provincial Border Guard Command, and Major General Hembo Narel, Head of the Gendarmerie Command of Mondulkiri province, sign the minutes of the talks.

Meanwhile, they consented to exchange information, closely work together to maintain political security, public order, and social safety; prevent transnational crimes in land border areas and border gates, and facilitate the demarcation and marker planting.

Also, both sides will boost law dissemination and education among local people in border areas and mobilizing them to strictly implement agreement on  and bilateral agreements signed by the two Governments, to name but a few.

Translated by Quynh Oanh