At the meeting, Gen. Chien affirmed that the Party, State, people, and the People's Army of Vietnam always value the consolidation and development of the neighboring friendship and comprehensive strategic partnership with the Party, Government, people, and the People's Liberation Army of China.

Sr. Lt. Gen. Hoang Xuan Chien (right) and Maj. Gen. Huang Dunshun

He highlighted the intensive, practical, and comprehensive development of the relationship between the two parties and countries. Notably, after the historic visit by Vietnamese Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong to China in October, 2022 and Chinese Party General Secretary and President Xi Jinping to Vietnam in December 2023, the two parties and countries have agreed to build a community with a shared future that carries strategic significance.

The Vietnamese deputy defense minister emphasized that the bilateral defense cooperation is an important pillar in the Vietnam - China relations which has been paid special attention to over the past time and obtained outstanding outcomes in such fields as exchange of high-level delegations, substantial cooperation in education, high-quality human resource training, scientific research, and more. In April 2024, the defense ministers of both countries co-chaired the 8th Vietnam - China Border Defense Friendship Exchange in Vietnam’s Lao Cai province and China’s Yunnan province. The event brought significant results, contributing to strengthening the friendly relations between functional forces and people on both sides of the border.

Gen. Chien took the occasion to express sincere thanks to the Chinese Ministry of National Defense and the National Defense University for organizing a refresher course for 25 high-ranking Vietnamese officers in October 2023. He also acknowledged that the visit and practical research by the delegation from the National Defense University of China to Vietnam demonstrated the good relations between the two sides and affirmed that the leadership of the Vietnamese MND always supports exchanges and the sharing of experience between military academies and schools of the two countries.

He suggested the two sides continue preserving and lifting the solidarity and precious traditional friendship between the two parties, states, and militaries to a new and comprehensive level in all areas, including defense cooperation.

At the meeting

For his part, Maj. Gen. Huang Dunshun thanked the Vietnamese MND for the thorough preparation for the delegation's visit and practical research and briefed the host on the results of the working session between the delegation and the Vietnamese Academy of National Defense.

Both sides agreed that the exchange of officers and cadets between the military academies and schools of the two countries should be further promoted in the future, thereby contributing to the development of defense cooperation between the two nations.

Translated by Tran Hoai