At the reception

On May 28, Senior Colonel Chen Peiling, Deputy-Commander of the Asian Department of the International Military Cooperation Office under the Central Military Commission of China, hosted a reception for the Vietnamese young officer delegation.

At the reception, Senior Colonel Chen Peiling expressed his delight at welcoming the Vietnamese guests and believed that the visit would cement the fine friendship between the two militaries. He held that the young officers exchange program is important to the bilateral relations. The cooperative program between both sides’ young officers and militaries gained positive results over the past time. Therefore, he hoped the two sides will boost cooperation and exchange in the time to come.

For his part, Colonel Dinh Quoc Hung said that this is a regular event as part of the annual delegation exchange program of the two defense ministries. It has contributed to cementing the traditional friendship and strategic partnership between Vietnam and China, he added.

The Vietnamese head delegate underlined that every young officer taking part in the program will become a good orator in disseminating information, contributing to boosting solidarity and friendship between the two militaries.

During the visit, the Vietnamese delegation visited Guard Division 3 in Beijing and the Chinese Military Museum.

Translated by Trung Thanh