PANO – A delegation of young Vietnamese officers headed by Lt. Colonel Nguyen Duc Cuong Deputy Chief of the Army Youth Committee under the General Department of Politics has arrived in China for the Vietnam-China young officer exchange program 2016 which was kicked off on September 19.

Vietnamese young officers were briefed upon developments of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA)

On the first working day in China, the Vietnamese delegation visited Beifang Corporation (Norinco), which specializes in producing weapons and military equipment for China’s army. The Vietnamese guests were briefed upon various models of weapons and equipment of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA), developed and produced by the corporation.

On September 20, the second day, the young Vietnamese officers toured the Office for International Personnel Cooperation and was received by the office’s deputy head Hu Changming. Within the framework of exchange program, the Vietnamese delegation will have trips to units of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, including Guard Division 3, PLA Special Operations Academy, to name but a few.

The exchange program ends on September 24.

Reported by Duc Cuong from China

Translated by Huu Duong