Vietnamese and Cambodian troops saluting a border marker

Accordingly, the two forces patrolled the 12km-long borderline, consisting of 12 national border markers (from No.230 to 230/11).

This was an annual activity of the two forces in order to safeguard the national sovereignty over border areas, ensure political security, and social order along the borderline of Tan Hung district, Long An province, and Kampong Trabaek district, Prey Veng province.

The two sides strictly observed all regulations in external relations activities. As a result, the borderline and national border markers were maintained and unchanged.

The two sides agreeing on border protection plan in the coming time

In the framework of the patrol, both sides discussed situations and agreed to several contents so as to ensure border order and security on the occasion of the Cambodian traditional New Year holiday Chol Chnam Thmay which will be held from April 14 to 16 in 2023.

Translated by Minh Anh