The signing ceremony took place on March 5 in Melbourne, Australia in the framework of Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh’s official visit to Australia.

The peacekeeping partnership arrangement is important in bilateral peacekeeping cooperation between the two countries for a noble goal imbued with humane and humanitarian meaning, for happy and peaceful life of people affected by wars and conflicts in the world.

Deputy Defense Minister Sr. Lt. Gen. Hoang Xuan Chien (left) and Assistant Minister for Defense of Australia Matt Thistlethwaite at the signing ceremony

This document will continue to create an important legal framework for the two sides to strengthen defense cooperation in general and cooperation in U.N. peacekeeping in particular, for peace, stability and development in the region and the world.

Gen. Chien underlined that the friendship, cooperation between Vietnam and Australia has been constantly strengthened and the defense ties have always been a pillar of the Vietnam-Australia strategic partnership with U.N. peacekeeping operation as a highlight.

The Vietnamese senior officer said that Australia has always been a reliable partner giving early and effective support to Vietnam in preparation of peacekeeping force since 2011. The Ministry of National Defense of Vietnam highly appreciates Australia’s support in training foreign language, improving skills and sharing experience as well as transporting five level-two field hospitals to South Sudan peacekeeping mission and back home in a safe manner.

The Assistant Minister for Defense of Australia spoke highly of the significance of the newly-signed arrangement and expressed his delight at the positive development in the bilateral relations, including the bilateral defense ties. He stressed that the Department of Defense of Australia always treasures the defense relations with Vietnam and pledges to continue giving support to the Vietnamese counterpart in U.N. peacekeeping field. He hoped that the two sides will promote other cooperation fields in the time ahead.

Deputy Defense Minister Sr. Lt. Gen. Hoang Xuan Chien and the MND delegation at DITC

Gen. Chien suggested functional agencies of the two sides soon build plans, develop measures to implement the document in a practical and substantive manner.

Also on March 5, Sr. Lt. Gen. Hoang Xuan Chien, leading a delegation from the Ministry of National Defense (MND), visited and had a working session at the Defense International Training Center (DITC), Australia. So far, the center has received more than 700 arrivals of officers from the Vietnamese MND. Currently, five Vietnamese officers are studying English and another officer is teaching at the center.

Impressed by the center’s facilities, living and learning conditions, and training quality, Gen. Chien underlined that DITC is an ideal environment for international trainees to study and improve English proficiency, and learn more about Australia, its people, and culture. He hoped that the center will continue to pay attention and create better conditions, grant more scholarships to Vietnamese trainees and consider signing cooperation documents meeting both sides’ needs and strengths.

Translated by Mai Huong