Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Ha Ngoc (right) receives a certificate of a training course held by the U.K. 

According to Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Ha Ngoc, since its establishment, the hospital has received due care of the Ministry of National Defense (MND), the Vietnam Department of Peacekeeping Operations (VNDPKO), and relevant agencies inside and outside the military. Meanwhile, the MND’s Military Hospital 175, tasked with directly managing the L2FH Rotation 5, closely worked with other units to implement training program while ensuring the unit’s thorough preparation for their upcoming missions in South Sudan. Accordingly, the staff joined foreign language, medical, and military training courses, getting ready to taking part in U.N. peacekeeping operations. So far, the training outcomes have met all set targets.

Besides, the L2FH Rotation 5 has young staff with strong will, enthusiasm, and good competence, meeting the U.N. task requirements. Especially, many of them have been educated in developed countries as well as through high quality programs of Military Hospital 175.

Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Ha Ngoc went on to inform the reporter how the unit has applied practical experience learnt from the previous field hospital rotations to the L2FH Rotation 5. Accordingly, Military Hospital 175 has coordinated with other units and agencies to open training courses and carefully prepare for the deployment of the L2FH Rotation 5, such as selecting personnel, ensuring education and training... in line with the U.N.’s regulations.

L2FH Rotation 5's members providing emergency care to a patient
L2FH Rotation 5's personnel equipped with survival skills

Nine of the hospital’s staff have experience working in the L2FH rotations 1 and 3, and volunteered to join the L2FH Rotation 5. They are skillful personnel and the core force of the hospital during its task performance in the coming days. Besides, troops of the L2FH Rotation 5 regularly update information about the terrains as well as special features in the area where they are going to be stationed so as to make careful preparations for their upcoming tasks.

Talking about difficulties facing the force, he noted that this year, there will be only one duty handover held between the L2FH Rotation 4 and 5, instead of two as before. “It is hard for us to access and take over the entire operational process, requiring great efforts and coordination among troops,” he emphasized.

In addition, there will be many arising issues during their task implementation, as well as differences of language, culture, among others. To solve these problems, the hospital has built specific plans with specified tasks, contributing to ensuring the quality and effectiveness while conducting assigned mission abroad.

The L2FH rotation 5's personnel receive certificates of the pre-deployment training course.

Comrade Ngoc underscored the honor and pride of the hospital’s personnel as being assigned the task, contributing to realizing the Party and State’s guidelines on foreign affairs, and lifting up the position of Vietnam in the international arena as well as the prestige of the Vietnam People’s Army. The L2FH Rotation 5’s deployment holds important significance, marking the Military Hospital 175’s 10th anniversary of participating in the U.N. peacekeeping operations.

The hospital’s director emphasized that the unit would further boost military-civilian medical cooperation and organize cultural and sports activities, contributing to introducing the image of the Vietnamese country, people, culture as well as Uncle Ho’s soldiers. They will also carry out at least one scientific research in South Sudan in order to raise treatment quality.

In addition, the L2FH Rotation 5 and the Vietnam Youth Federation Chapter of Ho Chi Minh City also signed a cooperation agreement in the 2023-2024 period to boost dissemination work, and mobilize resources to implement mobilization work abroad, especially promoting the image of U.N. peacekeepers in general and the L2FH Rotation 5’s staff in particular. Via the signing program, the hospital aimed to bolster the combined strength in all fields, contributing to affirming the reputation of the Vietnamese military medical staff in the mission.

L2FH rotation 5 and Ho Chi Minh City's Vietnam Youth Federation

Currently, all personnel of the L2FH Rotation 5 are ready for the upcoming missions in South Sudan with absolute safety and take on all assigned tasks as quick as possible.

Translated by Minh Anh