Deputy Chief of Staff of the Vietnam People’s Navy Rear Admiral Pham Khac Luong and Deputy Chief of the Southern Theater Command of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Major General Li Tian co-chaired the event.

Scene of the meeting

During the event, the two sides reviewed their 28th - 31st joint patrol sessions in the Gulf of Tonkin as well as the cooperation between the two navies in 2020-2021, and mapped out plans for upcoming joint patrol activities and other cooperation contents in 2022.

Since the two navies signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Joint Patrol in the Gulf of Tonkin in 2005, joint patrol has made an important contribution to maintaining order, security and stability in the Gulf of Tonkin as well as enhancing the friendship, understanding and mutual trust between the two navies.

Deputy Chief of Staff of the Vietnam People’s Navy Rear Admiral Pham Khac Luong signs the minutes of the meeting.

During the meeting, both sides discussed the joint patrol mechanism in the Gulf of Tonkin, which have shown the care of the leaders of the two parties and states in maintaining order, security and stability in the Gulf of Tonkin, contributing to the regional order and security, as well as enhancing the friendship, mutual understanding and trust between the two navies.

The two sides at the meeting. (Screen captured)

Next year, the two forces will conduct two joint patrol sessions in the Gulf of Tonkin. The 32nd and the 33rd joint patrols will take place in May or June, and in November or December, respectively. Meanwhile, the 15th annual meeting will be held in China.

In order to further promote practical exchange activities as well as coordination capability between the two forces in response to non-traditional security threats, they may organize joint training on search and rescue, counter-terrorism, and Code for Unplanned Encounters at Sea (CUES), among others.

Source: baohaiquanvietnam

Translated by Minh Anh