From August 20 to September 26, nearly 80 Lao officers studied theories and gained practical experience in various fields, including logistics staff work, military supplies, transportation, and more. They also participated in field trips to observe logistics supply models in several units of the General Department of Logistics.

Leaders of the General Department of Logistics and the Logistics Academy awarding graduation certificates to the participants.

Throughout the training, the participants demonstrated a strong sense of responsibility, strictly adhered to regulations, completed the program successfully, and ensured safety in all aspects.

At the closing ceremony, leaders of the General Department of Logistics and the Military Logistics Academy awarded graduation certificates and presented gifts to the course participants.

* On the same day, in Hanoi, the Military Broadcasting Center held the closing ceremony of a broadcasting training course for officers of the Lao People's Army. 

Lao officers receives graduation certificates from the organizing panel

Over three months, 20 Lao officers underwent training on key professional skills, such as the process of producing modern television works, editing, interviewing, on-site reporting skills, coordinating live news broadcasts, organizing radio programs, writing quick reports and interviews, and developing radio talk shows for the Lao People's Army. Throughout the course, the participants actively engaged in learning and demonstrated strong proficiency in broadcasting skills.

Translated by Chung Anh