Lieutenant General Pham Quang Ngan, Head of the Department of Militia and Self-Defense Forces under the General Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army chaired the event.

Lieutenant General Pham Quang Ngan speaks at the ceremony.

During the two-month course, the Lao trainees were provided with theoretical and practical contents on local military affairs such as the basics of Marxism–Leninism and Ho Chi Minh's thought about warfare, military and the Fatherland’s protection; the “peaceful evolution” strategy of hostile forces, the country’s international integration and defense external affairs; the Party leadership and State management on defense affairs in ministries and localities, and more.  They also toured several military units and localities in the area of Military Region 2.

Lieutenant General Pham Quang Ngan presents gifts to Lao officers.

At the end of the course, 100 percent of the trainees completed the program content, in which 60 percent of them were listed with good results and six trainees received certificates of merit from the General Staff of the Vietnam People's Army.

Addressing the closing ceremony, Lieutenant General Pham Quang Ngan highly praised the efforts of the Lao officers in overcoming language barrier and promoting high responsibility to fulfill their course. He believed that with the acquired knowledge, the Lao officers will provide effective recommendations for their leaders in the time to come, contributing to fulfilling all missions assigned by the Lao Party, State and military.

Lao officers receive certificates of graduation from leader of the Military School of Military Region 2.

In addition, the senior officer affirmed that the success of the course contributed to promoting the traditional solidarity, special friendship, and close connection between the two militiaries and two peoples.

Translated by Trung Thanh